Post Training Optimizations and Formula 1

Good evening from Greece! While I’m catching up on the Australian Grand Prix, I wanted to share this great thread that analogizes post-training optimizations in LLMs to in-season car improvements in Formula 1:

Consider F1, most of the teams show up to the beginning of the year with a new chassis and engine. Then, they spend all year on aerodynamics and systems changes (a minor over simplification), and can dramatically improve the performance of the car. The best F1 teams improve way more during a season.

Read more, git collaboration on ATProtocol

I’m a huge fan of the ATProtocol, the protocol that powers Bluesky, and not just for the protocol itself. The community of builders that has grown around it (the Atmosphere) is impressive, and we are starting to see some really interesting projects reach escape velocity. is one of those, allowing users to host git repositories on lightweight headless servers called “knots,” while consolidating all knots on the network into a single view via the Tangled AppView. Exciting days ahead for decentralization!

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